Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cheap Bikiniwax Ottawa

Tron, the legacy

Best of the tape is Olivia Wilde

virtually soporific

Ricardo García Martínez

including the beautiful Olivia Wilde (House) can lighten the fabric of dense soda game that prevails in this film by Joseph Kosinski, Tron: Legacy (10) in a programmer named Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) gets spend natural life to a digital existence in a computerized world, like a sort of digital Jumanji, but sad and dark scenery with phosphorescent color effects and that sort of paraphernalia that is a virtual world.

Flynn achieves the goal of moving your life in this digital universe but fails to prevent the system generates a double of his, who knows how and without explaining the reason for this, and also becomes his antagonist called Clu , who intends to return to the world of human-user-to ... seize it, like any villain worthy of the name.

If the tape of the same name directed by Steven Lisberger in 1982, which revolved around a programmer whose life becomes part of your own programs (played by the same Bridges), and a computer-generated character named Tron, no was a blockbuster by any means, this new version is a duty, despite the advancement of special effects.

The result is a flat tape and no joke, predictable and pointless, whose greatest effect on some viewers is a lethargy that invites the yawn or the abandonment of the theater for something less boring. Sad return to the big screen in Bridges.


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