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Art and Passion
Ricardo Martínez García
The new film from Darren Aronofsky is a story behind many others. It is the story of the development of the preparations being made a ballet company for a new season with Swan Lake , and relations between the ballerinas and its director. It is also the story of the relationship of principal dancer and his controlling and overprotective mother, who sees in her what she could not be. It is also the story of how an artist in the full sense of the word takes its performance to extremes of totally radical realism at the cost of his life. Similarly, is the tragic story of human passions that play a predominant role in the characters of The Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky.
The desire to feel the dual character of white and black swan, how intensely and efficiently it requires the company director Thomas (an excellent Vincent Cassel) lead to Nina (Natalie Portman in lofty plan), the prima ballerina , to experience a radical change in way of being, like the emergence of a sort of half sinister (a la Stephen King), with its deployments in mirrors and duality of being. Nina is a contained, frigid and controlled by his mother, and there is another that takes hold of her being completely but only at times, it is all feeling and lust. In Nina converge too close drives of eros and tánathos , driven by the demands of their dual interpretation, but the second drive, fueled by instinct sexual- pugna por salir completamente (dejándose llevar), justo en el momento del clímax de la danza del tercer acto, pero mostrando su poder solo en la conclusión del cuarto acto.
Con una cámara que a ratos va al hombro y que sigue a la protagonista por las calles, o va delante de ella a través de los camerinos, la técnica fílmica no da tregua al espectador, marcando un ritmo acompasado con los crescendos de esa hermosa música compuesta por el genial ruso. Música, danza y actuación se entremezclan bella y constantemente, dando como resultado una extraordinaria y exquisita cinta que cuenta historias más allá de la propia historia cinematográfica, transcending the swan queen and the white swan, black swan, that of Rothbart and the prince.
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