curious craft, or service, that takes you to enjoy three days, surrounded by nearly a hundred people, most writers, an editor, a translator, an agent ... and then think you're on vacation, and you charge the batteries, and think in the editorial, (that's a habit), and how well you would a sponsor, with such authority that you would like to translate, publish ...
faithful to my customary to socialize is right, and speak the least, I delight in my observation post. I see newcomers to this magnificent encounter more than correntes d'written. small groups are formed on the first day, as for warmth, and end Saturday night in an exchange of kisses and hugs. and it does not matter if you speak Portuguese, English or some kind of portuñol.
delighted povoa come again. who is not.
is undoubtedly the best games. management and production impeccable. a team that will solve the problems before they arise. a hostess, Manuel Ribeiro, who is impossible not to love ...
and a councilor for culture, a culture councilor ... god! a cultural councilor attends the scheduled tables, sitting at lunch and dinner with whom you touch, which invites participation, to continue the project for ever ... and while it plays for nearly an hour and half closed the 2011 edition, saying that culture is always understood as an expense, not as an investment, and that idea must change, and the importance of a project like this for the city ... Uberto and I looked, with tears in her eyes, and we say the same thing two years ago ... well, as my councilman.
And then you remember the Councillor for Culture of the lake, julia Dorta and her interest in sila, and remember, of course I forget, which was Councillor for Culture of Santa Cruz Angela ore, and its super interest in the mega-sila, and still gives you time to think before deciding to kidnap the man who keeps talking about culture, your last councilman, juan carlos marrero ...
and think that would be ideal to bring this man on tour to explain the odd politician who is betting on the culture and how it should work for the society to participate in a project and make it yours.
correntes bring me of course, Manuel Ribeiro and Uberto Stabile (pictured), and a few friends ... verdarero read with interest David Tuscany, Aida Gomes and Joao Paulo Borges Coelho. I bring a surprising end Daniel Mordzinski party and some good news for the sila.
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