In-describable. Joao Paulo Cuenca
. share a piece of his novel.
"O Mr. Okuda ficou angry e disse nao Poderia to be, because I MET pele mais jovens e sao mais less enrugada saudáveis, or that demoram quer mais Dizer to die. Asked why this happens and Mr. Okuda explained that is because young people have less past and that life is dangerous for the humans as time goes on, and nothing can stop time.
I do not know very well what is the weather.
Mr. Okuda tried to explain to me and said that time is what separates the past from the future, and to measure it there are devices like clocks and calendars, which are like small dungeons, because no one can escape time , which is the only thing that equates all human beings, along with death, of course, that goes hand in hand with time-all the time.
And Mr. Okuda has told me that you say the word "now" when the past meets the future at this point that other, next and so on, always on the border, as un fine hair, very similar between two stones, which is still and that no more will be.
The name of that front is time, Mr. Okuda said.
yet understand very well what was the time, Mr. Okuda asked what was the death, which seems to me the same thing, but told differently. Mr. Okuda took a long sip of tea, complained that it was colder than it should and then say that death is like being born on the contrary, ie back to what it was before birth. "
EdCaminho. "Or only happy ending love story uma é um untoward." Joao Paulo Cuenca.
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