One day I realized that there is nothing wrong to keep trying something for days, weeks, months or years ... Who has not succeeded does not mean it never will, but maybe it was not the time or the circumstances were not right for q is given in the best way. Amid the situation, one does not understand. But at some point ... diiiin doooon! What he wanted, or what you dreamed of is waiting for me outside my house and I understand he did not understand. Of course, before you continue fighting for years for something that seems to take forever I must be sure that is what I definitely want, where I know I should be.
For a long time people told me that when I proposed something always enough and the truth did not pay much attention, just thinking about that pile of things that had failed, but then I realized that even in the midst of fear, which I knew that I mastered, I could go on. And that fear slowly dissipates. Something I appreciate very much is that part of my character that "no circumstances let me go over, and certainly I have overcome many situations because I have not wanted to let expire. In the midst of the weaknesses, we can move forward.
The "failures" are usually people especially daunting, I am witness to what can be achieved by a failure in life. I know you can get away more than anything I want to achieve, it gets a HUGE fear to fail again and again to feel that all the effort went to hell! It is capable of making us one side of what we love most, lost millions of opportunities just because once we fail. Or maybe because hundreds of times we fail. I know, is difficult. Is a constant and annoying thought in the mind-numbing most intense desires and goals greatest living within us. It's like the devil on his left shoulder fighting with the angel on his right shoulder. Failures are capable of making us feel the most miserable beings on the planet and if we can not handle, can damage self-esteem. That's the point. It all depends the perception we have of them. Everything we do, think or say will depend on our perception of things. When I came to understand the meaning of failure began to change the way we view the world (I started, I'm still learning) how to do things. Failures can convertisre the best teachers. Say around spoiling is learned and although we must not abuse it, is very useful and true. The failures do not help us make more mistakes. This reminds me of another phrase: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" ... In short: A failure we can plant a fear that prevents us from risk and earn what they both want.
Now it is very easy to speak of this as more or less I have overcome my fears and I've decided to go ahead despite the fact that they are always behind me trying to get me tripping. When we are in the midst of the situation, is spoken of straw is useless. But I must say that the only thing that has demonstrated the ability to change all that is God. Sep! As well as hear! ... Leen. I do not mean to say, I say this because I lived it. For about 5 years I struggled with fear, fear of failure, fear of the new, fear of almost everything! And nothing worked. With my own strength and if I failed I did, the fear again next week. But God really shows that is glorified in our weaknesses and that their eternal love casts out fear. It gives us courage and peace. Changes our perception of the world. Changes our lives. It gives us the urge to jump and risk! We remove the fear a. .. whatever! It gives us encouragement. If God is with me, who can be against me? Salten friends! Jump! Do not be afraid! Salten that God has his hand waiting to catch us! Jump! Jump! Jump! Trust! Never too late! If we fail or fall back, we can always get up again, and God gives us the strength we need. But we can never repay the time to do what we did not dare to do for fear. Do not let a couple of experiences can take our dreams, that many attempts to discourage us so much. It's normal to feel bad, discouraged. But regardless of how they feel nuuuunca stop trying if you really believe it's worth. Never never never quit. Send to fly the pessimism. I do not say that being positive is going to change everything and have done everything, because it is not true. But do not lose the opportunities of life ... Another day, another attempt can mean the triumph over all the failures.
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