Sunday, August 15, 2010

Swollen Mottled Feet Pregnancy

God? Yes! God! Muda

" contrast it your ideas ..."

do not know why, but came here to stop this comment Fab wrote a day responding to something someone wrote. Obviously a big discussion can occur, many things are in the air, but in the end. It's a touch of many thoughts.

Just as we need to feel love, need to feed, need to express ourselves, we have need to believe in something outside this world ... It is the nature ... From God ... This is how things are ... No go to hell or heaven for good or evil deeds, but by the grace of God (if we accept that He is our savior) there is no one good, one God ... That vacuum, that sense of living, the reason to get up every day, that desire to fulfill something, that space can only fill humanly inexplicable God ...
For someone completely, the simple philosophy and logic are not enough ... Why not fill any space, leaving a single gap is getting bigger with more and more questions that make many seem wise for the simple fact finding "errors" but none of them is the solution ... The perfect nature of things to prevent him from giving 100% logic ... But God makes everything have a meaning, and often do not want to believe him, but if you really want to believe in Him, He is willing to confirm and prove what is and can do ...

Fabio Chaves