are born individually, but we attached to a family and then learn to live in society. We are always in constant contact with different types of people and we are taught to relate to them. For kids is easy, usually a couple of minutes sharing a game enough to make a new friend. May be sufficient for us a conversation but sometimes occupy something to break the ice. Any element that serves to this, a friend and I call "ice-pick." Interestingly, speaking of this topic has served as an ice pick me.
I'm honest, I always took socialize. xD But hey, we all have faults and not born learned. Certainly we should not judge without knowing, but let's be honest, sometimes "we will not know." With the years I learned that it is extremely necessary to know to have good relations with people (yes, sometimes lazy .. -.- zzz) and although I'm still in the process, I've made great progress. I love talk about any subject, usually my mind goes completely full of ideas and thoughts all day, but many of them stay there. Sometimes they are there icepick powdering inside us, and you just have to use them. My parents have always wondered why I talked like a parrot in the house and I kept quiet when we were "on the street." And back to the same thing, sometimes we have material, but do not use.
is very easy to find an ice pick with some people. Example: if I'm listening and I know someone else is too, is quite easy to be guided by a subject as broad and exciting as the music.
Sometimes humor can serve as an ice pick, but there are many types of humor ... Burlista, sarcastic (one of my favorites), stupid, intelligent, educated (this is what Les Miserables) as my opinion.
Questions, comments, discussions and actions, why not? We are full of pike-ice! Just have to learn to use them. The same "instinct" or help us create curiosity. Yes, create, that are natural. I'm not going to make statements on the Internet. xD often go out alone, only by the need to express ourselves, but sometimes note that this is to start conversation. xD
are those typical questions like: What do you study? Where do you work? And where are known? That may be curious for information, but sometimes is a need for conversation.
Then there are the comments of the climate, a person, activity, anything around gossiping, that can initiate or help maintain a conversation. This characteristic: How hot is not? If yes, these días ha estado fatal! xD
No falta aquella señora a la par de uno en el bus que le saca conversación y más bien le sobran pica hielos... una media hora que dura el viaje y ya se sabe donde vive, qué comidas le hace daño, como se llaman los nietos y que no se soporta al esposo. :P
Ciertamente, un halago también puede servir. Y no hablo de los "piropos" (aunque si los usan :S) sino de un: Qué bien que actúa! Muy buena la obra! (No se me ocurrió otro ejemplo).
Hasta una queja es muy común, sobre todo en clases: -Mae, no entiendo nada!!- -Uy yo tampoco! Y mañana hay quiz...-
You see, we are surrounded by elements that help create icepick, ice-pick them to go out by themselves. Just have to give them a boost. From my heart I wish you can apply all icepick holding at the right time. ;) For getting to know someone can be easy, to know more deeply what it costs.