Let's see how far it's my memory. -------------------------------------------------
Important terms:
-Fx: Banda de rock formed by my dad on guitar (Alberto Chaves), my brother on drums (Jesus Ch) and myself on bass (Fabiola Ch). Currently
Important terms:
-Fx: Banda de rock formed by my dad on guitar (Alberto Chaves), my brother on drums (Jesus Ch) and myself on bass (Fabiola Ch). Currently
name is Offspring.
www.myspace.com / fxrock
www.myspace.com / fxrock

-Pablo Olivares: Argentine rock artist.
-Epi: my bass ... : 3
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-Home: Let
analyzing the beginning of everything. It was a number back (about 4 years maybe), when there a concert with various artists in the Peace Park. If I remember correctly, Pablo Olivares was the last to touch. It was night and people started going because the m usic
was getting "heavy." Thanks to the people who went, I could be getting closer to the stage, but still remained far away. I remember we were near the sound board, because my dad was talking to the soundman for one of the groups. Mindful of that artist's music was just knowing that I realized that I liked. Since that day, I began to learn more about him, his music and got a couple of CDs.
Years later, in 2009, it happened. One day coiente common, sitting on the couch in my house with my brother, I received the news. Pablo Olivares came to play back to Costa Rica and the band of my brother, my dad and I went to open the concierto.Para be honest, not assimilated until I saw there on stage, until it was all happening. We rehearsed, we prepared and there was the May 23, 2009 in the biggest concert I've ever played. Awww .... : 3 ... xD
-Arrival place:
After a long journey from my house to the place, we started down "chunchos" and entered the auditorium. A huge place with colored lights dancing on the stage all over the place. A small sound board, and staff''riding''things. Could already imagine the hundreds of people screaming ...
united by music.
My memory (not very reliable to say) tells me that test was around 10:00 am began to assemble the team to prove sound and as in any concert, there was another obstacle. Of those that take away all the time in the world.
Honestly, I felt a little bit unsure about some songs that I forgot to test, lol, and after that, the time we had "extra" to test those songs sound check, we were in those contingencies. She was relaxed, but knowing that they had opportunities to test-NO-busy rehearsing what I removed or
My memory (not very reliable to say) tells me that test was around 10:00 am began to assemble the team to prove sound and as in any concert, there was another obstacle. Of those that take away all the time in the world.
Honestly, I felt a little bit unsure about some songs that I forgot to test, lol, and after that, the time we had "extra" to test those songs sound check, we were in those contingencies. She was relaxed, but knowing that they had opportunities to test-NO-busy rehearsing what I removed or
n bit of tranquility. But bueeeeno ... The thing was that the band of Pablo Olivares also had to prove sound, we had already spent the time we had, and people began lining up outside the auditorium.
I remember that morning thinking about a place for lunch. After the soundcheck, we meet to see where "hell" we ate ... In that, came one of the managers who was around and told us that in our We had comidita clubhouse. And I thought, Camerino?? We clubhouse?? : O
We entered a room all nice and cozy, I think
I remember that morning thinking about a place for lunch. After the soundcheck, we meet to see where "hell" we ate ... In that, came one of the managers who was around and told us that in our We had comidita clubhouse. And I thought, Camerino?? We clubhouse?? : O
We entered a room all nice and cozy, I think
marilla, with armchairs, a desk with comidita (Yomi!!) And
as ladies in charge. Yes! Food! : D
Emmmm ... The truth does not remember much, but I think it was fruit, fresh sandwiches. I think that had as peanuts and chocolate, I remember very well.
After eating a "little bit", I took my dear Epi and got to go over there with my Dad a few things I need to learn.
did not think it would happen, but a little time and do not know because I got a blue ball and started throwing ULatina against the wall for fun. After a reprimand and a bowl of peanuts sprinkled on the ground, the ball came back to my b
Emmmm ... The truth does not remember much, but I think it was fruit, fresh sandwiches. I think that had as peanuts and chocolate, I remember very well.
After eating a "little bit", I took my dear Epi and got to go over there with my Dad a few things I need to learn.
did not think it would happen, but a little time and do not know because I got a blue ball and started throwing ULatina against the wall for fun. After a reprimand and a bowl of peanuts sprinkled on the ground, the ball came back to my b
"Knowing Paul
she was about to begin the concert, then we went to enroll. In that it was refined to Epi, Paul and his band came backstage and met them there.
The first image I had of him in the first concert was quite different from that appeared in the poster for the concert that day, and those two were too different to Paul I knew. Changed unbeatable seafront. Anyway, here we met and "talked" for a while (I almost hear the conversation only xD) until they reached a motorcyclist
"Knowing Paul
she was about to begin the concert, then we went to enroll. In that it was refined to Epi, Paul and his band came backstage and met them there.
The first image I had of him in the first concert was quite different from that appeared in the poster for the concert that day, and those two were too different to Paul I knew. Changed unbeatable seafront. Anyway, here we met and "talked" for a while (I almost hear the conversation only xD) until they reached a motorcyclist
s, and I'm too lazy to tell, tons pass to the concert. =)
... Finally, we entered the stage. With approximately 2500 people in front of us, we started. Song after song we were doing our repertoire, but there was a song that made me shake. "That we conmoviƩramos. Na
... Finally, we entered the stage. With approximately 2500 people in front of us, we started. Song after song we were doing our repertoire, but there was a song that made me shake. "That we conmoviƩramos. Na
is or unusual feeling (at least for me), but''cute.'' It listened to the public all''nuanced''singing the song that we interpreted at the time. Que Vacilon.
I felt the concert was short, I went so fast. But I enjoyed it a lot.
After that, obviously we went back to the clubhouse and Paul entered the stage. After resting a while, I went to see the band of Paul. Very good indeed! And Paul's a great singer and person!
Already at the end of the concert, Paul and his band were going to start signing autographs and security were taking the people who were not lining up for that. My brother and I were working nearby. A boy came up where my brother and my brother said: "Relax, I'm out. To which he replied: "No, no! It was for a picture with you! Hehehe ... Thus, one or two wanted to do the same. And one
another called autographs. I had never given an autograph ... xD There's a first time. =) Well ...
We could not stay there all night, and eventually we went
sa pizza after a long day. =)
And so ends the story of a concert .... Skipping some details, but bueeeeno ... I hope you liked it. P =